Tuesday, August 22, 2006



n: beliefs or practices resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or trust in magic or chance. (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 1997)

I would define superstition as some explanation for something that has no logical basis or stems for an irrational belief. I am not really into superstition, but some might say I am. The reason for me following superstitions in not because I believe in them, nor for the thinking "no harm in trying, but for mere obedience and not wanting to start a debate. Before when I do not follow a superstition, a debate would always start and I would be always the one lost.

Well, I just believe and trust God in whatever happens. God is more powerful than superstitions, in fact superstitions have no powers!

☆ Memorial of St. Pius X, pope 2005 - 2006, an hour before the 3rd watch.
☆ Vigil of the Queenship of Mary 2005 - 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006

the saints...

(vii) SAINTS do not answer prayers, they pray them. Saints do not have the power to grant prayers but they intercede for us to GOD for our prayers to be answered. But we can go directly to God, so why pray to Saints? Ever had this experience when you are going out, your friend comes along with you and is the one who talks to your mom and/or dad to let you go out. That's the role of Saints, friends who are there to help you! (Saints are also there to serve as role models.)

☆ 2nd Sunday of Lent 2005-2006, 3rd Watch of the night

the trinity...

(vi) TRINITY is Father, Son, and Spirit as one. The Three are One. The Holy Trinity can be somewhat explained using a sheet of paper. When folded twice, it will have three faces. During the Old Testament times only one face was revealed (the Father) but the Son was already being prophesied. During the New Testament times, the second face was unfolded (the Son), thus there are now two faces shown, and like the Son, the Spirit is also being mentione. In Acts, the third face is finally revealed (the Spirit) and now the whole world has seen the fulness of the sheet of paper (the fullness of the TRINITY)!

☆ 2nd Sunday of Lent 2005-2006, 3rd watch of the night.