Saturday, August 14, 2010

Assumption of Mary

“SIGNUM magnum appáruit in cælo: múlier amícta sole, et luna sub pédibus ejus, et in cápite ejus coróna stellárum duódecim.” Apoc. 12. 1

          Every 15th of August, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary is celebrated. Two general accounts pertain to this event; one is from the Latin Church and another from the Greek Church. The Roman Catholics call this event as the Assumption and the Greek Orthodox as the Dormition (Sleeping). Despite different accounts of one same event, the main theme shows that at the end of the Virgin Mary's earthly life, her body and soul was borne into heaven.

          Because the 15th of this month falls on a Sunday, the St. Nichols Academy celebrated this glorious feast on the 13th, the Friday prior to the actual feast day. To start the celebration, the ComLec Guild led a Scriptural Rosary focusing on the Glorious Mysteries. After the Rosary, our beloved School Director, Rev. Fr. Jose E. David, celebrated a Votive Mass of the Assumption. A procession shortly followed at around nine in the morning. After the procession, the COMI led the entire SNA community in praying the "Chaplet of the Twelve Crowns." To end the affair, Mr. Clyde Cancio, CLE teacher and Musical Director of the SNA Choir and Macabebe Parish Choir, sung the hymn "Immaculate Mother."

          This event would not have been possible without the support of Fr. David and our beloved principal Mr. Rey G. Yumang, who I guess has a deep devotion to the Virgin Mary under the title of the Lady of the Assumption.

          These activities open up the minds of the youth. Nowadays, the youth prioritizes the "joys that fade and flee." Example, courtship is the "in-thing." They feel they are truly in love as if their partner would be their lifetime partner. But, alas! In just a blink of an eye, they split up. Why? For the fact that it was not really love but plain teenage infatuation. They let their minds wander into the pleasures of the world and they pressure themselves to the demands of worldly pressures. Pity! There are more things in life more valuable than worldly things. Let us sought Mary as our model for she dedicated her life in helping the apostles and the early Christians instead of delving into the “joys that fade and flee.” However, what did she get? She was brought into heaven after her earthly life, her body and soul borne into heaven.

          Ing Fiesta ning Asuncion yapin ing pagselebran istung ka-15 ning Agosto ning mabilug a Santa Iglesya. Iti ya pin ing kapigaganakan king Pangadala na Banua ning Santa Mariang Virgen. Adwa lang istorya patungkul king pangadala na Banua ning Virgen pauli ning aduang sanga ning Santa Iglesya ing Romana at Griyegu. Deng king Romano Katoliko ausan de iting Asuncion deng Griyego ausan da ne mang Dormisyon. Mialiwa la man deng istorya at lagyu para keng kapigaganakan a iti metung yamu kararasan, apin ing Pangadala na Banua ning Santa Mariang Virgen kaladua’t katawan.

          Keng iskwela ning St. Nichols Academy, pigsadyan miya iting kafiestan inyang biyernes a-13 ning Agosto 2010. Iti mipalyari pauli ning ngening banuang ayti ing kafiestan mituklu yang Domingo at alang klasi. Mikamakuyad a programa para king kapigaganakan ayti migumpisa king Rosaryo Skriptural a penimunuan ding ComLec ning eskwela, kayari meganap ing Sakripisyu ning Banal a Misa a penimunuan ning malugud ming School Director i Padre Jose David. Kayari na niti mika makuyad a prusisyun (milwal ne ing prusisyun bandang alas nueve ning abak). Kaibat na niti ditak a paynawa keng gym at lege mi ne ing Nuestra Senora de Asuncion keng libutad at megumpisa na lang mengadi deng COMI. Ing pengadyan da apin ing “Chaplet of the Crown of Twelve Stars” makapagmulala pa na kabang pangadyan miya iti ala yu ing Koronang Labingadwang Batuin keng imagen ning Virgen (mebaldug ya kasi inyang magprusisyun). Anting pamupus keng makuyad a pamiparangal keng Virgen ing pamagkanta keng imnong Indung Alang Musing king amanung inglis a penimunuan ning maganakang maestro king CLE ampon manimuna keng Koro ning eskwela (at king Macabebe Parish Choir) i Sir Bombit Cancio. Iting pamikatagun mipalyari ya pauli ning kasuyuan ning kekaming principal i Sir Rey Yumang king Virgen. Nung e ku magkamali, ing Virgen ning Asuncion ing patron na. Dakal mu ring salamat kang Padre David.
          At nang kasanting ing antining pamikatagun bang kanita mibubuklat la mata reng kayanakan karas keng atining bage. Ngening panaun ayni bira na la reng anak a ating piedad. Mas buri da pa ing magpakasaya king “tulang kukupas.” Antimo ngeni akit mula mipaglolo la gang kayanakan da pa. Kasdan mu bukas kawani na la uling ena man lugud ing ikit da nune “crush” mu. Lawan taya i Maria ing bie na telaga ne king pamanyaup na kareng apostoles at kareng minunang Kristiano at nanu ing ikwa na? Ing ikwa na ing midala ya banua, ali mu ing kaladua na nune pati katawan na! Iya ing metung kareng minunang tinakman keng bie alang-angga a pengaku ning Guinu kareng tune sasalpantaya keya.
Written on the Vigil of the Assumption of Mary, 2nd class feast, A.D. MMX.