Sunday, March 4, 2012

On the Second Sunday of Lent

O God, who seest that we are wholly destitute of strength, keep us within and without: that we may be defended in body from all adversity: and cleansed in mind from evil thoughts. Through our Lord...

Today is the SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT in the Roman Rite. In the Greek Rite, this Sunday is

The Epistle today, from 1 Thessalonians 4,1-7, talks about us being called by God unto sanctification in Christ and not by uncleanness (sinfulness). The Gospel, Matthew 17,1-9, speaks about the Transfiguration of Christ.

Thus, this Sunday's liturgy speaks of us being called to sanctification or spiritual cleanliness (Epistle) in Christ who is the perfect example of cleanliness as seen in His face "shine as the sun" and His garments as "white as snow" (Gospel) and that we should ask Him to cleanse our minds from evil thoughts (Collect).

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