My Christmas Pledge
- To make my Christmas a holy day with Christ... not a holiday without Him.
- To observe Christmas as the birthday of Christ... not a day to give and receive material gifts.
- To remember that the real symbols of Christmas are the Star, the Stable and the Crib... not Santa Claus and his reindeer.
- To teach my children that "Santa Claus" is the nickname of St. Nicholas... who gave to the poor in honor of Christ.
- To help one poor family... in honor of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the Holy Family of Bethlehem.
- To send Christmas cards remindful of Him, the Infant Savior... not decorated only with candy canes, dogs, ribbons and wreaths.
- To make room in my home for Him... with a Christmas Crib to remind me that He was born in the stable.
- During the Christmas season, in a special way, to honor Mary, His mother... who kept the first Christmas vigil beside the manger.
- To begin Christmas by leading my family to His Altar... to receive the Bread of Life.
- Today and every day, to give "Glory to God in the highest"... to work and pray for "Peace on earth to men of good will."

- Confraternity of St. Peter. (2011, September). My Christmas Pledge. Cum Petro.
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