Tuesday, August 22, 2006



n: beliefs or practices resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or trust in magic or chance. (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 1997)

I would define superstition as some explanation for something that has no logical basis or stems for an irrational belief. I am not really into superstition, but some might say I am. The reason for me following superstitions in not because I believe in them, nor for the thinking "no harm in trying, but for mere obedience and not wanting to start a debate. Before when I do not follow a superstition, a debate would always start and I would be always the one lost.

Well, I just believe and trust God in whatever happens. God is more powerful than superstitions, in fact superstitions have no powers!

☆ Memorial of St. Pius X, pope 2005 - 2006, an hour before the 3rd watch.
☆ Vigil of the Queenship of Mary 2005 - 2006